Welcome Message : Page Info
****WELCOME ALL!!***
Welcome to the Revelation Music blogspot where we will be making some content available for you to download.
Id like to take this opportunity to thank every single one of you that come through and participate as well as promise you that the quality you hear will ONLY get BETTER as we go along!!!
**Brief Rundown**
Revelation Music is a Christian oriented record label started, owned and run by Kudzai Simbabrashe Murapa a.ka. TeQ NiQ.
Its Sole purpose is to win lives to Christ by using the vessel of Hip Hop Music and media.
Revelation Music was started in 2012 when TeQ NiQ came back to Zimbabwe from South Africa after attending a Sound Engineering course for about 3 years since 2008.
Since leaving the secular scene where He was "Tek Neek' under the record label BLAKLIZT Entertainment which he also groomed and started up, TeQ NiQ has been focused on His relationship with God above all things and has taken the Revelation Music concept to new heights by the content and unique message he presents in His Albums and Mixtapes.
From Praise and Worship Davidic Hip Hop to your Testimonial modern day outlook on Hip Hop, TeQ NiQ has brought a vast variety of perspective and purpose for Gods word in the lives of His Generation and those below them.
This page only contains the MIXTAPE material and not the album material.
If you are somewhat blown away by the material in the mixtapes and would like to purchase an album or want more info on how you can get some of the albums, contact TeQ NiQ on WhatsApp or call (+263784116537)
Your Support is GREATLY appreciated!!
Please enjoy the Music and feel free to participate with us on Facebook (fb.me/TeQNiQ-1) Twitter (@TeQNiQ1) and also on WhatsApp (+263784116537)
God Bless!!
Welcome to the Revelation Music blogspot where we will be making some content available for you to download.
Id like to take this opportunity to thank every single one of you that come through and participate as well as promise you that the quality you hear will ONLY get BETTER as we go along!!!
**Brief Rundown**
Revelation Music is a Christian oriented record label started, owned and run by Kudzai Simbabrashe Murapa a.ka. TeQ NiQ.
Its Sole purpose is to win lives to Christ by using the vessel of Hip Hop Music and media.
Revelation Music was started in 2012 when TeQ NiQ came back to Zimbabwe from South Africa after attending a Sound Engineering course for about 3 years since 2008.
Since leaving the secular scene where He was "Tek Neek' under the record label BLAKLIZT Entertainment which he also groomed and started up, TeQ NiQ has been focused on His relationship with God above all things and has taken the Revelation Music concept to new heights by the content and unique message he presents in His Albums and Mixtapes.
From Praise and Worship Davidic Hip Hop to your Testimonial modern day outlook on Hip Hop, TeQ NiQ has brought a vast variety of perspective and purpose for Gods word in the lives of His Generation and those below them.
This page only contains the MIXTAPE material and not the album material.
If you are somewhat blown away by the material in the mixtapes and would like to purchase an album or want more info on how you can get some of the albums, contact TeQ NiQ on WhatsApp or call (+263784116537)
Your Support is GREATLY appreciated!!
Please enjoy the Music and feel free to participate with us on Facebook (fb.me/TeQNiQ-1) Twitter (@TeQNiQ1) and also on WhatsApp (+263784116537)
God Bless!!