Partakets Part One The Album

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Revelation Music Family Presents:



Partakers Pt.I (The Album)

01 - You Are The Reason
02 - Providence ft Addvoket
03 - Forgiven (Prod. By Texas)
04 - Person Of Interest (Prod. By TeQ NiQ)
05 - False Doctrine (Prod By TeQ NiQ)
06 - Partakers Pt.I (Anthem) Prod By TeQ
07 - Partakers Pt.II (Anthem) Prod By TeQ
08 - Turn Me Up(Prod By Brian Soko from Beyonce Drunk In Love)
09- I'm On Fire (Prod. By Brian Soko from Beyonce Drunk In Love)
10 -Teen Titans ft YUNGADONiS and Dee Kay
11 - Zim Switch (Prod By Victor Enlisted)

This album is about partaking in Christ and the word of God as life is known on earth as we know it.

Many songs like Partakers the anthems are takes DIRECTLY from Scripture and formulated into Hip Hop music and more than praise and worship but in preaching teaching and SOUND DOCTRINE as 1Timothy 4 says.

(Colossians2/1Timothy4/1Corinthians8-11(11:30)) are put in song and Psalm through the pt.i of the anthems. Seeking the kingdom of God first so that all things follow is done with part two.

Bottom line is this is a gemstone of a compilation for any zhh chh or music fanatic who knows good music that needs a LISTEN TO not an OVER HEARING.

"Partakers is a concept of biblical proportion focused on something called " sound doctrine" which is revealed in the New Testament in 1Timothy Chapter 4 as something found very controversial to the world.

To explain further I must include the fact that many Christians of today are finding it harder and harder to cope with the amounts of biblical knowledge that are going around various denominations as per the teachings and demonstrations of followings grow more and more.

Things like "is drinking alcohol a sin" and "what does God think about smoking weed" or any questions pertaining to drug abuse and the root cause of intoxication are laid VOID of biblical understandinh having ALL IF NOT MOST responses from so called Christian leaders coming from medical science and what Colossians Chapter 2 says is "falsley called science".

N.B. for sakes of people's discernment and mentioning of drug abuse
(Easily draw the line at no self injury re:philipians3:2-beware of the mutilation)
Just sum it up with "no one has ever had to cut their own stomach open in order to introduce a meal to their belly and then sow it back up again.

1 Corinthians Chapters 8-11 is a section called "food sacraficed to idols" of which quotes like "I will not eat meat that makes my brother stumble" are taken (this is the last verse in Chapter 8). This kind of quoting is misrepresentation of Christianity because one is quoting on behalf of the same principles that idol worshippers follow, deeming certain foods and drinks special for certain SPIRITUAL activity besides praise and worship to God.

1Timothy 4 warns of the end times where some people who teach will be deceived by seducing spirits and doctrines of demons teaching people to abstain from (food/meats/Drink/consumption) of things that God has created and ordained for THANKSGIVING for they are sanctified by the word of God and prayer. It also says IF YOU REMIND THE BRETHREN THAT *ALL THINGS CREATED BY GOD ARE GOOD* YOU WILL BE A *GOOD STEWARD* OF CHRIST NOURISHED UP IN THE FAITH AND *GOOD DOCTRINE*.

These three chapter refferences (1Timothy4/Colossians2/1Corinthians8-11(11:30)) are all in agreement about the consumption of anything.

While people quote "be not drunk with *'wine'* in which there is EXCESS" they don't continue the verse with "BUT BE FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT, singing psalms and songs making melody in your hearts to the lord, GIVING THANKS FOR *ALL THINGS*" which is in the very next line.

So when people preach "drunkards will not inherit the kingdom of God", 1Timothy4 is talking about a drunkenness that comes from ABSTINANT DEMONIC DOCTRINE, which should invert what is considered to be source of drunkenness via things like (the book of James) who's introduction speaks HEAVILY about the tongue carrying the power of life and death, which also means drunkeness and sobriety.

Here I have clearly defined the issue revolving around peoples stigma towards certain substances and "roumour has it's" about intoxication.

The album Partakers is not only focused on food and drink but on partaking of things like A WALK OF FAITH (I.e. "seeking the kingdom first" and having all the things one needs to follow). It also contains in songs like " Person Of Interest" the voice of Jesus being rapped out in emotional detail as well as a more indepth view about false doctrine in the song "False Doctrine" so that people know what to look out for.

It was made to be played in a playlist fashion from the first track until the last one.

The bottom line is that this album will wake you up from a lot of the false things you have heard about Christianity that live on before our very eyes even today, some things obvious and others not so.

#Partakers is labeled PART ONE because a sequel album will be released some time in the future with even MORE in depth about partaking in Christ.

The name of the album comes from partaking in ones personal relationship with God while under seige from the world.


Contact TeQ NiQ on (+263 78 411 6537) call/text/WhatsApp and follow him on FB ( ) also through hash tags like #RevelationMusicFamily #RevelationMusicFam #Revelation18SnapBack #RMFZimbabwe and #LTGD.

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