
Showing posts from December, 2023

(DLL Updated) CHH P.S.A. : Partakers Pt.3 (Christian Hip Hop : Public Service Announcement)

Revelation Music Family Presents: TeQ NiQ In CHH P.S.A. (Christian Hip Hop - Public Service Anouncement) Free Download/Streaming Link : - (>>>Click Here<<<) #CHHPSA on FB  From the Album/Mixtape : Partakers Pt.3 (2023) The Partakers Series of Music is an Extremely important Group of Messages for so many lacking it for sakes of the world swamping people with lies in so many areas of media thiking there is no truth about these matters in such format #PartakersPt3 #RevelationMusicFamily on FB This song came from a long way examining the difference between "secular church" culture, or rather "secular christianity", and even the "industrial derivatives" of the music industry, what people call the "Gospel Music Industry" specificaly "Gospel Rap", "Christian Rap" or more popularly coined as CHH "Christian Hip Hop", which are initialy expressions of Spirit and Truth Christians who make mu...

#ShirtsAndSkorts - #PartakersPt3 : (Album/Mixtape) Coming Soon

Revelation Music Family Presents: TeQ NiQ In Shirts & Skorts Free Download/Streaming Link ->  (Click To Download/Stream) From the Album/Mixtape : Partakers Pt.3 The words Shirts and Skorts come from a "play on words" between "skirts and shorts ", interchanging the H & K from each word to reveal much. Shirts and Skorts is a song based on Revelation chapter 1 where Jesus' Dressing is depicted very clearly and taked a look at society as a whole considering what the world calls "fashion" revolving around the reality and concept of "Clothing" which means "Covering" in definition, but when considered as "fashion" has many questionable orients around reasoning, concept, design purpose as well as any facilitating elements that come with considerable "Functionality". The song ends with examining why Jesus' dressing is depicted starting with being fully clothed "down to the feet"...