#ShirtsAndSkorts - #PartakersPt3 : (Album/Mixtape) Coming Soon
Revelation Music Family Presents:
Shirts & Skorts
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From the Album/Mixtape : Partakers Pt.3
The words Shirts and Skorts come from a "play on words" between "skirts and shorts ", interchanging the H & K from each word to reveal much.
Shirts and Skorts is a song based on Revelation chapter 1 where Jesus' Dressing is depicted very clearly and taked a look at society as a whole considering what the world calls "fashion" revolving around the reality and concept of "Clothing" which means "Covering" in definition, but when considered as "fashion" has many questionable orients around reasoning, concept, design purpose as well as any facilitating elements that come with considerable "Functionality".
The song ends with examining why Jesus' dressing is depicted starting with being fully clothed "down to the feet", as well as "girded to the 'paps' with a golden girdle", going through various matters of today's reality concerning "fashion(s)" and "lifestyle" amongst intersexual behaviour between men and women young and old amongst global spirit and truth.
When someone is considered "fully covered/clothed", and considering "the feet", the first point of the fullness can be identified by the ankles where the feet start, so when looking at the human "anatomy" of anyones body, for their hands are their wrists, and for the rest of their upper body is their neck. Ater the wrists and ankles, the next points of the body are the knees and elbows, and after this, the waist and shoulders, where at the waist is found the most private part of the human body SACRED TO AND MADE FOR THE HIGHEST POINT OF INTERSEXUAL INTIMACY WHICH IS "ONENESS OF FLESH" BETWEEN ONE MAN AND WOMAN, besides use of going to the toilet and expelling bodily waste.
These points are where the worlds idea of "fashion" calls clothing "pants" for bottom covering and "long sleved shirts" or "long sleved jackets/sweaters" for top covering, for female oriented "fashion", what are known as "dresses" started out as those which go as far down such to reach the ankles and covered the arms as well to nearly the wrists, but as of lately are much shorter than the first ideas of such design, not to mention the neck area where the ideology of "revealing clothing" has what it calls "cleavage" that defines beauty or presetable consideration in the revealing of the private breast area of the female person.
Though the male person doed not have breasts as the female, the discipline of noting that a female's breasts are used for the suckling and feeding of her children whom are a fruit of the intimacy of oneness of flesh, scripture also noting that between those of one flesh that their bodies are EACH OTHERS, which reasons even a man's discipline to cover his body for his present/future other "half", nedless to point out any of the worlds ideology around "sexualizing" the exposing of men's chests, having already noted "cleavage" ideology from female "fashion" thinking.
When it comes to "shorts" and "skirts", anyone can notice that the idea and design itself is derived from the point of considering "covering" shortened from the ankles to the knees for shorts, and the same for skirts, which can easily be related to the concept of a "short sleved tee-shirt" and most general female top coverings which have the point of shortening from the elbows and further, which should speak volumes that the general consideration is past the elbows or knees and not to cover by passing them.
The obvious matter left after these points is the consideration of "under garments", or what the world today calls "under wear" on the part of both male and female clothing in the department of "fashion".
Since we have already noted that "shorts" and "skirts" are mostly considered above the knee for their standard, for male under wear starting with what are known as "boxer shorts" we can already see a similarity, as well as note that when the skin tight under-pants are considered that these begin at the waist and only cover the pelvic line and waist where the thigh begins leaving the entire legs from it exposed.
For women's under-wear, there are what are known as the bra and panty, "bra's" meant for covering their breasts, and the "panty" the same surface area as male "under-wear" but for the female.
At this point, anyone can decently and logicaly examine some basic aspects of "fashion", decency itself, purpose and reasoning based on teaching and doctrine between the ideas of "PUBLIC AND PRIVATE WEAR" notably in its initial understanding of "OVER AND UNDER-WEAR/GARMENTS".
Swim-wear or "Beach wear" as the worlds "fashion" calls it, is a good place to make casual sense of what is exposed.
A female's bikini consists of a top and bottom covering which are identical in surface area standard or actualy at so many times LESS, but considered as PUBLIC WEAR, and conceptualy made acceptable in such context, why to note "teaching and doctrine" according to the avenues they come through.
The immediate point-plank reveal, is that, if a bikini is considered public wear, then anyone attending a business board meeting or court date or teaching in a school should be able to be present for these events with no problem or ackwardness wearing them, also go to the grocery story and visit the hospital, BUT SUCH IS NOT THE CASE, AND THE REASON VERY CLEAR.
Since we have started with Swim-Wear examining a "bikini", anyone can note those swim suits of more covering between the top and bottom though they end at the shoulders covered by a thong strap and stil the bottom from the pelvic lines before the thigh.
The next notable example of swim-wear can be found in the full body swim-suits designed for those who engage in surfing and scuba diving for much more clarity of the doctrinal and teaching issues amongst purpose and reasoning.
From here it is very clear, technologicaly speaking, that we do by all means have the capability to create extremely decent and notably convenient covering for any and everyone given all these examples and taking note of what the real issues are surrounding what we have amongst society at this present state of time.
This is where the concept of "Shorts And Skorts" is derived, but more so diving into the hearts of people and their behaviour amongst and other things of importance when it comes to the intersexual nature of male and female persons young and old amongst one another anywhere and everywhere on the face of the earth.
The lines in the song "Nakedness is not a culture, just a prefference of clothing dont let the statement insult ya", is a fact a lot of people often overlook since in all cultures there have been and always are the reality and understanding of full clothing with existing design, and overall noting how in Christ we are redeemed from ALL NATIONS, TRIBES, TONGUES AND PEOPLES (where cultures are derived from).
The Song can speak for itself after this lengthly breakdown!!
#PartakersPt3 coming as soon as possible!!!!
Dont forget to get CHH P.S.A. which is the other song done so far! #CHHPSA
www.Revelation18SnapBack.blogspot.com for scripture breakdown
www.LTGD.blogspot.com (Let The Game Down - Christian Lifestyle Blog) #LTGD
-TeQ (+263794116537)
Shirts & Skorts
Free Download/Streaming Link -> (Click To Download/Stream)
From the Album/Mixtape : Partakers Pt.3
The words Shirts and Skorts come from a "play on words" between "skirts and shorts ", interchanging the H & K from each word to reveal much.
Shirts and Skorts is a song based on Revelation chapter 1 where Jesus' Dressing is depicted very clearly and taked a look at society as a whole considering what the world calls "fashion" revolving around the reality and concept of "Clothing" which means "Covering" in definition, but when considered as "fashion" has many questionable orients around reasoning, concept, design purpose as well as any facilitating elements that come with considerable "Functionality".
The song ends with examining why Jesus' dressing is depicted starting with being fully clothed "down to the feet", as well as "girded to the 'paps' with a golden girdle", going through various matters of today's reality concerning "fashion(s)" and "lifestyle" amongst intersexual behaviour between men and women young and old amongst global spirit and truth.
When someone is considered "fully covered/clothed", and considering "the feet", the first point of the fullness can be identified by the ankles where the feet start, so when looking at the human "anatomy" of anyones body, for their hands are their wrists, and for the rest of their upper body is their neck. Ater the wrists and ankles, the next points of the body are the knees and elbows, and after this, the waist and shoulders, where at the waist is found the most private part of the human body SACRED TO AND MADE FOR THE HIGHEST POINT OF INTERSEXUAL INTIMACY WHICH IS "ONENESS OF FLESH" BETWEEN ONE MAN AND WOMAN, besides use of going to the toilet and expelling bodily waste.
These points are where the worlds idea of "fashion" calls clothing "pants" for bottom covering and "long sleved shirts" or "long sleved jackets/sweaters" for top covering, for female oriented "fashion", what are known as "dresses" started out as those which go as far down such to reach the ankles and covered the arms as well to nearly the wrists, but as of lately are much shorter than the first ideas of such design, not to mention the neck area where the ideology of "revealing clothing" has what it calls "cleavage" that defines beauty or presetable consideration in the revealing of the private breast area of the female person.
Though the male person doed not have breasts as the female, the discipline of noting that a female's breasts are used for the suckling and feeding of her children whom are a fruit of the intimacy of oneness of flesh, scripture also noting that between those of one flesh that their bodies are EACH OTHERS, which reasons even a man's discipline to cover his body for his present/future other "half", nedless to point out any of the worlds ideology around "sexualizing" the exposing of men's chests, having already noted "cleavage" ideology from female "fashion" thinking.
When it comes to "shorts" and "skirts", anyone can notice that the idea and design itself is derived from the point of considering "covering" shortened from the ankles to the knees for shorts, and the same for skirts, which can easily be related to the concept of a "short sleved tee-shirt" and most general female top coverings which have the point of shortening from the elbows and further, which should speak volumes that the general consideration is past the elbows or knees and not to cover by passing them.
The obvious matter left after these points is the consideration of "under garments", or what the world today calls "under wear" on the part of both male and female clothing in the department of "fashion".
Since we have already noted that "shorts" and "skirts" are mostly considered above the knee for their standard, for male under wear starting with what are known as "boxer shorts" we can already see a similarity, as well as note that when the skin tight under-pants are considered that these begin at the waist and only cover the pelvic line and waist where the thigh begins leaving the entire legs from it exposed.
For women's under-wear, there are what are known as the bra and panty, "bra's" meant for covering their breasts, and the "panty" the same surface area as male "under-wear" but for the female.
At this point, anyone can decently and logicaly examine some basic aspects of "fashion", decency itself, purpose and reasoning based on teaching and doctrine between the ideas of "PUBLIC AND PRIVATE WEAR" notably in its initial understanding of "OVER AND UNDER-WEAR/GARMENTS".
Swim-wear or "Beach wear" as the worlds "fashion" calls it, is a good place to make casual sense of what is exposed.
A female's bikini consists of a top and bottom covering which are identical in surface area standard or actualy at so many times LESS, but considered as PUBLIC WEAR, and conceptualy made acceptable in such context, why to note "teaching and doctrine" according to the avenues they come through.
The immediate point-plank reveal, is that, if a bikini is considered public wear, then anyone attending a business board meeting or court date or teaching in a school should be able to be present for these events with no problem or ackwardness wearing them, also go to the grocery story and visit the hospital, BUT SUCH IS NOT THE CASE, AND THE REASON VERY CLEAR.
Since we have started with Swim-Wear examining a "bikini", anyone can note those swim suits of more covering between the top and bottom though they end at the shoulders covered by a thong strap and stil the bottom from the pelvic lines before the thigh.
The next notable example of swim-wear can be found in the full body swim-suits designed for those who engage in surfing and scuba diving for much more clarity of the doctrinal and teaching issues amongst purpose and reasoning.
From here it is very clear, technologicaly speaking, that we do by all means have the capability to create extremely decent and notably convenient covering for any and everyone given all these examples and taking note of what the real issues are surrounding what we have amongst society at this present state of time.
This is where the concept of "Shorts And Skorts" is derived, but more so diving into the hearts of people and their behaviour amongst and other things of importance when it comes to the intersexual nature of male and female persons young and old amongst one another anywhere and everywhere on the face of the earth.
The lines in the song "Nakedness is not a culture, just a prefference of clothing dont let the statement insult ya", is a fact a lot of people often overlook since in all cultures there have been and always are the reality and understanding of full clothing with existing design, and overall noting how in Christ we are redeemed from ALL NATIONS, TRIBES, TONGUES AND PEOPLES (where cultures are derived from).
The Song can speak for itself after this lengthly breakdown!!
#PartakersPt3 coming as soon as possible!!!!
Dont forget to get CHH P.S.A. which is the other song done so far! #CHHPSA
www.Revelation18SnapBack.blogspot.com for scripture breakdown
www.LTGD.blogspot.com (Let The Game Down - Christian Lifestyle Blog) #LTGD
-TeQ (+263794116537)