[2024] - #HolyTenAdmonitonPodcast (Podcast Compilation)
The #HolyTenAdmonition Podcast Compilation
TeQ NiQ - #HolyTenAdmonition Podcast Compilation [High Quality] (Download/Streaming Link) - >>>[CLICK HERE]<<<
TeQ NiQ - #HolyTenAdmonition Podcast Compilation [Low Quality] (Download/Streaming Link) - >>>[CLICK HERE]<<<
00 - #HolyTenAdmonitionPt1
01 - #HolyTenAdmonitionPt1 Explained (Podcast Like Expo)
02 - #HolyTenAdmonitionPt2
03 - #HolyTenAdmonitionPt2 Explained (Podcast Like Expo)
04 - #HolyTenAdmonitionpt3
05 - Music Ministry & Life In General (Podcast Like Expo)
06 - Not Proud Of It (Podcast Like Expo)
Contextual Break Down:
I Had started the Hashtag and song series called #HolyTenAdmonition around early 2021, where i had the previous years written the Lyrics to the song "#HolyTenAdmonition" around the end of 2019, nearing the begining of 2020 only finding it more important to refine the actual reason i had written it.
During 2019, on two occasions, i had dreams about Mukudzei Holy Ten, and these dreams we're extremely specific concerning His Music's influence and things that God was not happy about, not concerning himself alone, but the nearness to the same "sphere of out-reach/influence" i had myself concerning being known as a "Zimbabwean Artist", particularly a Christian Reformed from the corrupt Secular (even loosely bible based) music ideologies of the world verusus God's Spirit and Truth kingdom exactly as His Word and our overall Spiritual reality is manifest on the face of the earth.
The Dreams seemed recuring, but the 2nd one more and most clear compared to the first, initialy finding myself on the first occasion, wondering why i would even have a dream about Holy Ten since i do not engage in listening to his music, have anything personal towards him, but then finding upon meditation what was actualy happening with various people amass concerning the output of what is considered "His Craftsmanship" & the works of His Hands.
The Dream went like this:
"I walked into a Household complex compound/yard through a side gate where i was led along a path leading to a cottage, on the way, a young lady with dark skin and black cornrows stopped me, and tried to make sexual advances towards me, to which i declined and saw her strangely dissapointed as i continued towards the cottage.
Arriving at the cottage door. just inside it was a lobby like area with a desk like seemed like a "reception desk", with a light skinned young lady this time, but with very many ornaments of earings, necklaces and jewelery on her person, and specificaly gold and black corn rows in her hair. She also tried to make extremely agressive sexual advances towards me, but upon my declining, she got angry and furiously tried to find a way she could destroy me, at which i turned unwaveringly to exit the cottage, and head towards the main house.
When i got to the main house, i entered into what was the living room, which had a fireplace and surrounding couches set up, seeing Mukudzei Holy Ten apearing as though he was around the age of 16 in his teens, and speaking about collaborations and wanting to work on projects, myself having at heart so much concern for soemthing i couldnt pin point in the dream, all of a sudden turning to my right and seeing a light being with caucasian features whos name was "Kudzai", the same as mine, seeing that God had a seemingly overwhelming sense of humour to the situation, this person who was infact His manager.
After i saw his manager, the scene quickly changed to them wanting to leave the house and we found ouselves at the home's parking lot, where they were getting into the car and not wanting to go somewhere with me, in the dream it having an apearance of a festival or show like engagement
While watching the car drive off, in the dream wondering why they didn't want to go where they we're heading with me, my face was drawn to look down at my feet, which did not have any shoes on them, and i realised there and then that they did not want to go with me because of my barefoot apearance and embarasment at "what other people would say" if they saw me with them being barefoot, from here waking up from the dream.
Like i said, upon a lot of meditation, and carrful attention to the word of God, and specific significance, ESPECIALY AT THIS POINT OF PRESENT REALITY AND THE PASSING OF THE 5 YEARS SINCE (1)HAVING THE DREAM, (2) RECORDING THE FIRST "ADMONITION" SONG, AND (3) MOVING INTO DOING A SONG SERIES. WHICH NOW ALL IN ITS "FINISHED STAGE" IS A -PODCAST LIKE- PRESENTATION OF WHY I HAD TO DO THE SONGS IN THE FIRST PLACE, WHAT NEEDED AND NEEDS ADRESSING, also any surrounding factors that may not even have to do with Holy Ten specificaly himself, e.g. the "gold and black cornrows" having had an inclining towards the "ZiG" which is now backed by Gold, Zimbabwe's flag colours and the "Black and Gold" both individualy and coupled together in meaning of representation that many people reffer to, the black being the people of colour of african "ethnicity", also extremely real and vivid matters concerning the book of revelation's correlation with the book of daniel speaking of "The Warring of The King Of The North and The King Of The South", Africa Being "Centraly Suthern Most", and Russia in Europe being "Centraly Northern Most", the writting about "...the daughter of the south..." in great refference to how africa's heritage has been held very much in the area the world calls "...the arts and crafts...", concerning the femenin refference. very many things can be pointed out, even a significance of mbuya nehanda being taken to europe concerning slavery, certain africans whom sold their own people into slavery, the modern day conceptualy slavery less resourcing or outsourcing of the African nation by so much northern interest, and specificaly as i mentioned the "arts industry", how with the worlds commentary that can come in words such as "...africans have dominated the music scene on its main stage and in the background in various ways...", even very many people of prominent celebrity personalities actualy being africans themselves from various countries, some even having changed their names and background information to apear otherwise for various reasons even in corruption. concerning that very "...taking of the daughter of the south..." written of in Daniel chapter 11, Chapter 12 the end of Daniels End Time Revelations which we're "sealed", untill the FULLY UNCOVERED REVEALING(S) IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION IN WHAT IS ENTITLED "THE FALL/FALLENESS OF BABYLON" from chapters 17 and 18 being of the throughout and finality of these days and age we are seeing now into Jesus' 2nd coming in Chapter 19 which outcomes in "The FIRST RESSURECTION" of Chapter 20, in the 1000 year reign with Christ.
I do pray and hope you get to download the entire -Podcast Like- session which is roughly 140 megabytes maximum between the Low and High Quality versions of the Long Spoken Podcast sessions between the songs, and get some time to go through the #Revelation18SnapBack Blog www.Revelation18SnapBack.blogspot.com with your bible or bible app and take notes about the specific realities mentioned in the spoken sessions, anything relative in you own life or those you know and around you concerning exactly what is written in God's word about these days we are going through.
For the sakes of Holy Ten, i did mention the extreme caution needed towards the timeframe of the release of the compilation called "The Book Of Malchi", which came from varoious online and on the ground campaigns where he adressed, dubbed and claimed himself to be (1)"The FATHER of Zim Hip Hop" [beint born in 1999], and (2)THE KING OF ALL ZIM MUSIC GENRES [Sungura, Dancehall, Hip Hop, Urban Grooves, and all the above and below], which are extremelt nonsensical claims, even a common sensed person in dispute of being called or anyone thinking there can be a single "Best Artist" overall above all other people, will know better that EVERYONE HAS THEIR BEST, after any consideration of "best sound and production," the TRUE, ACTUAL AND >>>CORE VALUES<<< WILL ALWAYS INEVITABLY REMAIN in "THE MESSAGE AND TRUTH OF SOMEONES WORKS AND WORKS OF THEIR HANDS", wether they are GOD GLORY ORIENTED, or of Idolization and that very "falsified" monopolism that is far out of reach or touch with reality concerning anyone and everyone given experience and time TO BE ABLE TO HAVE THEIR BEST AMONGST EVERY ONE ELSES BEST IN WHATEVER CATEGORY OF LIFE AND ENGAGEMENT AMONGST SPIRIT AND TRUTH COMMUNITY THAT THEY CAN HAVE.
This is actualy more important that it seems. when having released the first Admonition Song from the series, getting a lot of negative attention from Facebook trolls, some accusing me of trying to get famous using someone elses name, others thinking i had anything to do with dissing him in my music, when actualy all these are not the context and actual reality of why it was so necesary to make the first, seccond, as well as 3rd song, now completed into a -Podcast Like- session compilation for a more fully understandable context of what is actualy being adressed overall also with some specifics.
Also be sure to check out the #RevelationMusicZim blog which has music with sound doctrine in Christ www.RevelationMusicZim.blogspot.com
I also had to throw in a personal Humbling of myself in revoking the use of "The N Bomb" at the end of the #AdmonitionPt2" song, as well as the "No Proud Of It", where i am sure those of you who had seen how many people heckle certain things on my facebook account and page will see where i actualy stand with the overall reality of certain contexts.
shalom shabbat!!!
We are blessed to be blessings always and forever in Christ made in Our Heavenly Father's Image and Glory as His Beloved Creation made through His First Born Son Whom is the messiah and saviour of all!!