Sept 2024 - > (1)-More Than A Secret, (2)-Humweni, (3)-Eatery & Cookery Pt.3 [:-*Un-Mixed Un-Official Releases*-:]

 Revelation Music Family Presents :

TeQ NiQ 

(K.S.D.M. - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa)


More Than A Secret [:-*Unfinished-Un-Mixed*-:]

From : Love Jams Pt.3

Download/Streaming Link : - (**Click Here To Download/Stream**)


Humweni (Prod. By TeQ) [:*-Unfinished Un-Mixed*-:]

From : #ManzwiZivoOfficial (The Album)

Download/Streaming Link : - (**Click Here To Download/Stream**)

***AS WELL AS***

Eatery &,Cookery Pt.3 (Unfinished - Unmixed) ("Un-Official" Upload)

Download/Streaming Link : - (**Click Here to Download/Stream**)

Along with the Sound Doctrine (1Timothy4-Mathew 15) Eatery & Cookery Pt.3 from #PartakersPt3, these Are Two Songs about the truth that is Eternal Oneness Of Flesh & Being In Jesus Christ, One in English and One In Shona. 

"More Than A Secret" : From the "Love Jams Pt.3 Concept


"Humweni" : From the "#ManzwiZivoOfficialAlbum Playlist

(: "I Needed to voice these out AS IMPORTANT AS THEY ARE" seeing for so many places, we are at a shortage of such :) 

"More than a Secret" is a song that will be, and is supposed to be "conceptualy" (**despite trends and current-like sounds of vocalization & instrumentation**), the Intro to Love Jamz Pt.3, and Humweni is amongst the playlist of songs that have been "oh so worked against their fruition" that it was not only annoying but extremely tedious to handle the production process, nevertheless, FROM THE BEGINING & CONCEPTUALIZATION OF #ManzwiZivoOfficial the Album, GOD TOD ME THAT WHAT I WAS DOING WAS MORE IMPORTANT THAN IT LOOKED TO OTHER PEOPLE OR WHAT THEY THOUGHT ON THE SURFACE some even trying to reffer to a very long dead "past of myself" cocnerning music and any "portrayal", munoziya vamwe vanofungisa mhunu wese anoimba kuti kungoda kupfuma neku"shaina", e.g. the song "ndinoshina" with the video on my youtube page, that does not speak about "shining 'more' " than other people, but speajs about putting one's light on a hill for it to be seen by others.

Unfortunately throughout the entire Manzwi Zivo recording writtng process and balancing even biblical break downs of scripture and other various aspects which are very vital to the spirit & Truth understanding of what is given to share, the state of surrounding society and community, the haphazard kungoda kufarisa, nekudzvanyira vamwe in the name neku"defender" kusangana kwe musangano kwevamwe, noticing that so many we're indoctrinated beyond their own comprehension about this area of ONENESS OF FLESH AND BEING BECAME A HUGE BACKWARDS "SACRED COW" concerning multiple husbandry/wifery, that "TeQ NiQ was not supposed to adress because of his past 17 years of false pretentious departed people that he tried to get into relationships with but they had nothing to do with wanting to be faithful (*if they did there being change of mknds with nothing to do sith faithfulness*) or anything to do with oneness of flesh itself being eternal or any reality beyond 'only engaging in the act-ivit-ies because of what it looked like to other people' and 'community perspective' , yet the truth about oneness of flesh & being is that no one 'commits to community' about their oneness of flesh, Lord knowing that such "other reasoning" can turn at any moment if 'lack of cows' in a 'dowry sense of commentary humour' (*you cannot pay for someone to be faithful*).

THE TRUTH IS, THAT, BEING VERY SERIOUSLY, THE OPOSITE REASONING FROM WHY GOD EVEN MADE MAN & WOMAN IN THE FIRST PLACE, being Bretheren & Sisteren amongst firstly, mutual oneness of flesh and being  concerning our having been MADE IN THE SAME IMAGE AS THE ANGELS (Genesis1:26-27, **FROM THE BEGINING**), which was/is "supposed to be" (**AND ACTUALY IS SO**) as such throughout, but PRINCIPLAY(doctrinaly/teaching-wise), so many people are still having that "double mindedness towards FAITHFULNESS & FIDELITY", some "for sakes of what they have been through in the past", others "in comparison to the rest of surrounding other people", and some certain people thinking to capitalize or perpetuate the confusion from not understanding that much from simply time itself being unable to exist without eternity, and apply it to relationships concerning fruitfuiness OF MAN-KIND OURSELVES, which is not a "meant-to-be-temporary" matter.

The Bottom Line, and why to at least give these such platform, with this video of myself just speaking & receivable links, IS ENTIRELY THE FACT OF **RIGHT NOW** BEING UNABLE TO FINISH THEM TO MY OWN<*reason witheld*> SATISFACTORY DESIRE OF PRESENTATION, (***WHICH COULD HAVE BEEN TODAY AS I AM WRITING AND SHARING THIS BY THE WAY***), but what i know FOR FACT AND FAITHFUL CONFIRMATION, is the past year's exposing of the extremeoy Jealous however many and wanton provokers of "witholding" CONCERNING SUCH MATTERS, even the "Eatery & Cookery Pt 3", being another RESOLVE TO SO MANY VITAL SPIRIT AND TRUTH MATTERS OF THE SAME MAGNITUDE, KANA VIDEO YE "Partakers3" Blog, THIS ONE I MENTIONED THAT HAD 126 VIEWS IN 48 HOURS Septenber 5th (***i had to take it down & repost it with added text***), FOLLOWING THE 1st "rotten tommatoes" 1 Timothy 4 expo of a first post, and LOOKING AT HOW SO MANY PEOPLE ARE IN NEED OF REVISITING THAT PORTION OF LIFE, it speaking VOLUMES AND ONGOING FOR WHAT GOD IS DOING BEYOND MAN MADE COMPREHENSION.

The relevance of (*1Timothy4*) very striking even in this very area that these two songs adress concerning mutuality and sound teaching which have to do sith anyone's FAITH, BECAUSE "FAITHFUL-NESS" and "FAITH" go HAND IN HAND, knowing that there cannot be one without the other, ESPECIALY MUTUALY, and that very MUTUALITY OF ONENESS OF BEING IS AN AREA FOR EVERY-ONE themselves, either being BEING *A MAN WITH A WOMAN*, MEANING ALSO THAT VERY SAME WOMAN WITH THAT MAN*, OF THE SPIRIT & TRUTH THAT ***NO ONE ELSE HAS AN **OPINIONATED SAY/RIGHT/FOREBEARANCE ASIDE FROM GOD HIMSELF, WHOM INFACT ***HONOURS*** THE MARIRAGE BED of their eternal mutuality (*eternal* sanctity of the faithfulness of commitment inside & out of oneness of being), this meaning that THEIR ETERNAL MUTUAL CHOICE IS HONOURED, that "no man aught to separate/set-asunder", NOT EVEN THEMSELVES, if they do, then we are now adressing 1Corinthians7:15**DEPARTURE ISSUES**, which is a totaly different story concerning "honouring of", GOD KNOWING EVERY MAN AND EVERY WOMAN ORDAINED JUST AS HE MADE THE ANGELS, eternaly ESPECIALY in this area, all hypocricies of teaching speaking of "soul ties" as if DEPARTED RELATIONSHIPS ARE STILL WITH ANYONE or "attached to them in any way, EVEN IF CHILDREN WE'RE BORN FROM THEM, are not suposed to be looked at in that way, anyone and everyone ONLY BEING ABLE TO BE BROTHER OR SISTER AFTER SUCH, MAXIMUM AT MOST.

Whoevee has at any time eternaly become one flesh & being to commit each one to the other as THEIR ONENESS OF BEING & FLESH, if there are any children that came from prevous departure(s), that a fact & surely there are those whom both people departed one from, and the other also not finding any one "else" eternaly faithful, leaving them in the state which they would have been in whichever indivudal situation or circumstance, age or timeframe, and to make note of **FIRSTLY**, that any such previous children had, relationshops of oneness of flesh/being departed from DOES NOT VOID THEM FROM THEIR 1ST RESURECTION ONENESS OF BEING EVEN IF THEY HAVE CHOSEN TO REMAIN AS THEY ARE, sure as well, being able to have their eternal oneness of flesh & being IN THIS TIME AND TODAY NOW(**which would be that eternaly mutual choice as spoken of**), but if "along the way as time passes, that person "changes their mind", the other person is not in any bondage to other people's double-minded-ness, e.g. for example, if they feel there is not enough money or things or whatever reason it may be that they chose to no longer be commited eternaly, maybe "it feeling like it is too hard because of what other people are sayint or think", BUT THAT NOT BEING WHAT GOD THINKS OR SAYS ABOUT TWO PEOPLE WHOM TOGETHER HAVE DECIDED TO BE TOGETHER ETERNALY DESPITE AND NO MATTER ALL ELSE. (**no greater 2 whom agree than to mutualy become one flesh/being, things that strictly brother & sister relationships do not have anything to do with in,terms of commiting each other's oneness of flesh/being to besides any one perdon of the oposite of man or woman.

That, is actualy what these two songs are about, not having gotten to fully mix them and put delays and echoes and other things, (**THERE BEING VARIOUS OTHER PROJECTS ALSO NEEDING TO FINISH**) e.g. the "Eatery & Cookery Pt 3 which had a whole 'nother section to record besided the facebook post that i put up, having set the session aside so that it could sink in not only to myself concerning Eatery & Cookery Pt.1 from #PartakersPt1, Eatery & Cookery Pt.2 from #PartakersPt2 and this here being the #PartakersPt3 project.

God is not a fool to have given me as much PERSONAL REVELATION, CONVICTION OF SPIRIT AND TRUTH BESIDES PEOPLES OUTWARD EXPECTATIONS AND OTHER MATTERS THAT WE'RE OR ARE NOT OF HIS KINGDOM, e.g. "blowing up and becomeing famous" **ONLY**, thankfuly of all notes and across the board, THUS-FAR FOR MORE THAN 2 DECADES HE HAS BEEN FOCUSED ON FAR MORE SUSTAINABLE MATTERS CONCERNING "ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN" as we are seeing in all various departments of life, and so many awakening from the dust of the earth as well as redemption into Spirit & Truth and "non expir-ation" of actual REALITY, where it can be imagined as many information theives and intelectual property vandals that have been at such attempts FOR AS LONG AS A LOT OF US HAVE BEEN REPRESENTING CHRIST AND CHRIST REPRESENTING MYSELF THROUGH THE WORKS DONE AS WE ALL HAVE OF OUR INDIVIDUAL UNTO COLLECTIVE SPIRIT-&-TRUTH-SELVES, to make as if this sort of fruition is of low value, if freely given as if it being a waste, or relatively, seeing things only by MOENTARY GAIN, there being so much more even in the 3 works as mentioned than "Just Music".

So, i hope, and know hopefuly, how much this is and means towards and for others as impactful and purposeful reconciliation and redemption of these times,we are in, obviously very grateful of such service & stewardship, BUT DISSAPOINTED AS MUCH <*i speak of certain things endured that others dont or may not care to mind*> NOT TO HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE LIBERTY OF ANYONE'S OWN SELF TO COMPLETE THEM TO THE DESIRED POINT OF DISTRIBUTE, which is not surpizing why i would constantly for a long time now release previews and later the finished works etc, so many people with "industrialization" at heart not in any liking of hearing unfinished studio recordings or works of such nature if they do not apear like "hollywood presentation(s)", arguably YES, EVERYTHING CAN BE PRESENTED THAT WAY, but on the both ends being what is not deemed of such 'only' "outward apearance at times called "professionalism", not having THE MESSAGE AND MEANING AT THE CORE VALUE AND HEART, WHICH INTERESTINGLY, EVEN IF AT FIRST PRESENTED OTHERWISE, CAN ALWAYS BE RE-PRESENTED OF THE SAME PERSON AND PUT TO USE IN THE SAME AS MENTIONED.

The issue being, THIS IS IMPORTANT, on both fronts, pechiShona kuti "Humweni" (ONENSS OF BEING), and "More Than A Secret" (Pertaining to Oneness of Flesh & Being in context of "the mystery" of Christ & His Church), that very mystery WHICH IS REVEALED AND IN THE PLAIN OPEN FOR ALL, **MORE THAN A SECRET**, that one and any can understand, also found in the break down i did write out concerning The Marriage Supper of The Lamb and anything to do with Ourselves the Church BEING EMBOIDIED AS CHRIST'S BRIDE AND OUR RIGHTEOUS WORKS BEING HER GARMENTS, also an actual person of being made manifest in the flesh JUST AS CHRIST HIMSELF WAS AND IS THE FATHER'S SELF-SAME INDWELLING HOLY SPIRIT WRAPPEF IN MORTAL FLESH AMONGST US WALKING WITH HIS CREATION MADE THROUGH, EACH OF US ALSO WITH OUR ONENESS OF FLESH AND BEING, EACH SINGLE MAN AND A SINGLE WOMAN NO LONGER TWO BUT ONE AMONGST BRETHREN & SISTEREN, ETERNALY MADE JUST AS THE ANGELS UNFALLEN ARE ALSO MADE IN HIS IMAGE.

Bear In mind, sharing this does not mean i don't know when to rehearse, perform, execute, write or record or even release things according to what people are doing other than myself, but accoring to WHAT GOD IS DOING, although so many went ahead and attempted all sorts of advantageousness<*some things i endured close & affar that some might not want to think happened but did*>, maliciousness & various things in the name of false doctrine, even some people planning phantom performances and such kinds of things I WAS NEVER >>>DIRECTLY INVITED TO <<< claiming that i was suposed ot be there performing "Chii NeMaSportsAcho" (*from the Manzwi playlist of whch i am refining some things*) etc. and a whole lot of things.

Well, look, EXACTLY THAT, for the "things that some people did", there is NO WAY IT IS GOD IF HE DOES NOT EVEN ASK YOU TO DIRECTLY COMMUNICATE WITH A PERSON COCNERNING THEIR OWN MIND, WILL, LIBERTY, INVOLVEMENT, AND ANY SUCH ASPECT TO **BYPASS AUTHORITY OR RIGHTFULNESS BY COMMUNITY OR INDIVIDUAL** that makes any kind of sense, that is, the devil either rushing things for ulteriour reasons, money, just the fame and name, or WHATEVER UNDERLYING PURPOSE THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GOD'S GLORIFICATION EVEN WITH THE PERSON'S AWARENESS, OR THE ACTUAL PRODUCT AND SPIRIT AND TRUTH REALITY OF "THE/A SONG" aa if that is all it is, all of that something to do with "EXPECTATIONALISM", which is interesting because YES IT IS GREAT FOR A PERSON TO DO THINGS LIKE THIS ON SUCH PLATFORM, but background activity works of darkness being unawares, in order to promote light?, such are rather unlikely, for the given examples, OF WHICH AT LEAST 4 PEOPLE I HAVE CONFIRMED DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY THAT SUCH IS WHAT THEY WE'RE DOING.

Well, thats interestingly nice, e.g. some "live band effort" that was never directly communicated with me to CO-ORDINATE OR DIRECT FOCUS EXCEPT 4O JUST STUMBLE UPON IN THE MIDST OF A PATH OF DOING TOTALY DIFFERENT THINGS, a venue or two even presumptuously setup with EXPECTATION THAT CARED LESS FOR ANYTHING I WAS DEALING WITH OF PRESENT BEASUSE OF "HOW THINGS USED TO BE" 3-4-5 YEARS AGO, and then USED TO COMPARITIVELY BLAME MYSELF AS IF I WAS NOT DOING ANYTHING OR MAKING ANY PROGESS, AND YET, THERE IS SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT KIND OF EXPECTATION, LORD KNOWS ANYTHING WOULD HAVE BEEN TOTALY DIFFERENT WITH ACTUAL COMMUNICATION, despite people's will to make as though "when you wake from sleep you aught to know what the weather is like while you we're asleep and also waking up without looking out the window or going outside 'because you are of God and he dwells in you' ", when actualy, God would also love very much for you to be able to actualy go outside and see the weather for confirmation, AND HERE WE ARE ADRESSING THE INVERSE AND OPOSITE, as if the weather should come in telling you, but no, we are not talking about the elements, we are talkint about PEOPLE, of which I CANNOT AND WILL NOT LIE AS IF I HAVE NEVER BEEN INVITED TO A PERFORMANCE IN THE PAST 20 YEARS HAVING BEEN ASKED TO COME AND CO-ORDINATED 2 TO 3 MONTHS BEFORE OPENLY ABOUT POSTERS, OTHER PEOPLES, VENUES AND SUCH THE LIKE, ***THAT WOULD BE INSULTING TO OTHER PEOPLE TO EVEN ACT AS IF THEM, OR ANYONE THINKING THAT WAY IS EVEN JUETIFYABLE***.

I know this was and is necesary, so i definately had to share.


(**Revelation Music Family - Music with Sound Doctrine - Blog**)


(**Revelation 18 Snap Back - Soind Doctrine/Teaching - Scripture Break Down Blog**)


(**Official - Partakers Pt.3 Blog**)


(**Revelation Music Family Spirit<and>Truth Community Service Information**) 


(**#LTGD - #LetTheGameDown - "Lifestyle

 & Scripture Break Down" Blog**)

- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa