NF & Tech-9 Trust "TeQMiX" #TrustTeQMiX on FB

Revelation Music Family Presents:




"NF - Trust - TeQ MiX" (2024 Completion) #TrustTeQMiX (hashtag on FB) 

Visual Download Streaming Link : - (Click "HERE" to Download/Stream)

Mp3 Download Streaming Link : (Click "HERE" to Download/Stream)

This is a Mixtape Single Perhpas to go on the next mixtape most probably.

The Song "Trust By NF & Tech-9" has significant "cadence" and lyrical patternings that, as usual, for my "most official" 'TeQ MiXes' ", it seems as though i am only following the origional patters of vocal execution "in my own 'version/format' " so to speak.

NF Trust Ft Tech-9 (song link : - ( Youtube Link <Click here )

If you look at NF and Tech-9's verse, these being remarkable leaps in what seems to be adversary to the "Secular" genre/ear/message, when it comes to what they call "tongue twister" rap, which in this day and age's most refferable memories will go towards the likes of "Twista", and perhaps the now Christian reformed "Cannon", whom since his reform has been mostly unknown, this "rap style" of fast paced lyrics and up tempo "cadence" (meaning rate of druming/ish vocal pattern), are associated with the mid western Northern American "Hip Hop" Syndicacy, but as such an art has ever been in existence, can be found all over the world in various tongues(languages)  and with various backdrops of instrumental kind and sound, at times even accapella, where "tongue twista spoken word poetry" may sound ackwardly unique to some, but is actualy something that has been around for more than centuries and decades as most of us would care to admit.

The message in NF's first verse, as the arangemebt of the song plays its part in its out-flow and outworking of the song/psalm, has the brother adressing matters of social conspiracy and adversary like adversities towards anyone whom by others is placed at high esteem, but with the lowliness and humility of one accepting their God given gift and talent, namely in the area of vocalization of psalm and hymn, on which articulation are not a worship point, but the abundance of the heart from which the mouth speaks and the matters or issues of life that pour from it mattering concerning the message and communicated communion amongst us all as people, perhaps why the world tries to use such a development as though it were just an "entertaining" passive "pass-time" with less relevance than any information or context that it acrualy carries concerning people relating to conveyed information through media,(medium), be it audio, visual, and since visual being pictoral and even recording of physical hapening with audio to match it, the overall will always be the doctrinal/teaching concerning "recording" assertive of the word "scribed" or "described"/descriptive/described articulate of a person either darkness or light even eternal which it should always be from any ongoing reality.

The point of which you hear NF speak of the kind of worthiness that he bestowed on his recordings as "music with depth", him being reffered to by many as a "Go To", then his Ego being tempted by the devil and spiritual encounter concerning such as much as psalm and hymn-ing concern what the world considers simply an industry of words and pictures to accompany a "lifestyle 'trend', " that one can sell, makes it relevant to understand anyone who has ever been to points where they feel as though the world of principalities around them which is often ruled by man madeness has any power concerning their conscience and self perception, him depicting a time of temptation by such darkness, in turn of its proposed humiliation, refusing its supposition and acknowledging even the supernatural of life saying "the life i live kinda like a sci-fi flick", being "careful of the time i spend", and by the time one gets to the chorus he wrote with the words "kinda-one who do i trust", people always subliminaly ask themselves, what "kinda-one" is he talking about, if they do not know his Christ oriented refference to God's Glory even in his seemingly over emotional or expressive songs and writting which, as noted

(Though He has in some lyrics said things in the song "How Could You leave Us" (song link : - Youtube Link << Click Here ) , because of suffering the loss of his mother, of who's death was claimed to be "pill oriented", he himself may not have looked into the word of God as far as the scriptures speak concerning the matters of premature death, of which he may have attributed it to various other issues shown in the song "Let You Down". (song link - Youtube link << Click Here )  All these things presented are an abundance of the heart brought forth.)

When Tech-9's verse comes in, you can see the rapper whom surpassed the mentioned "Twista" whom was a commercial artist doing rauchy songs with rnb singers about one night stands and other issues, Tech-9 remaining as an independant artist and chosing to focus on his gifting and craft and artistry more than simply fame glamour and corprate sponsorship, by this time his meeting with NF took on biblical proportions in hisp expressiveness of lyricism in his 2nd verse being a feature. The first words "everyone knowing that im a death bringer", would rivet some to not notice he means bringing death to death and darkness of which such level of skill is usualy reffered to concerning the kinds of artists that actualy showcase this fast paced much harder than usual to execute lyrical and vocal execution.

Tech-9 goes on to then speak about giving people the "cheat codes" concerning the pattern switches and deep inside the intertwined meanings of his lyrics you will find the light that can seem as if the words used are of a secular note, but actualy carrying God's glory to quite some degree, himself having for the most of his re ording career ever been a secular artist cursing and writing lyrics with compromising content and certain aspects of things that most people would not agree with as anything noteworthy to give God the glory for.

Excuse as though i am over emphasising a totality of either of these two's careers in music, but this being 2024, myself having long back also come from a time of doing secular music even though thought and brought forth positive, can realise that behind this song being about "Trust" Issues, there is so much considering "the spotlights of life", what some call "the highs" and the utmost being "the lows" where anyone finds it hard to trust the many surrounding onlookers, they perhaps knowing ones potential in christ and the eyes of God, even the devil trying to come against anyone's God given purpose and destiny roaming around studying taking notes trying to devour something it does not comprehend or understand in the Light of Christ and God.

so here i bid thee, a promtional "TeQ MiX", also called "Trust" as the oriogional, thankfuly the origional instrumental was findable on youtube, but the message in the "TeQ MiX" around the volume and foundation of sound doctrine and teaching concerning the 3 areas of life we all have as experience on the face of the earth as it is in heaven as the lords prayer confirma for us God's will and predestination between "(1) Things, (2) People, and (3) Stewardship", the adverse doctrinaly and teaching wise of any kinds of man madeness that do not agree that (1) -Everything God Made Is Good, (2) - Male Abd Fenale Made In Gods Image - Oneness of Flesh/Being is the Everlasting Truth & Reality amongst all Brothers and Sisters, Everyone Made In God's Image, as well as (3) - Stewardship of the fruits of the earth and itself amongst one another freely giving and freely receiving, having not paid anything to enter life, nor for these things to have existed or exist as present, exposing in this opposedness to God's truth, the 'man madeness' being the very mark of the beast, which is man madeness in whichever form of each 3 categories, unto the falleness of babylon in the 3rd being tying giving to receiving and receiving and giving, the Book of revelation very clear in its chapters 17 and 18 result and outcome from 19 to 20, these three factors of man madeness depcted of the right hand in "The Works Of The Hands" and "The Forehead" meaning what people believe in or have faith in, the People of God also sealed on their forehead and faith of these three as God ordained All things are Good, Oneness of Flesh & Being an eternal reality, also freely giving and freely receiving. THIS ALL MOSTLY COMES IN FOR THE 2ND VERSE, the first as though a warming up to the wholeness of these foundationals.

I Hope you enjoy the TeQ MiX, which may mean a free mixtape for 2024 amongst the scheduled offiicial investable (ministry support vessel) albums, since this season is one where the lord has watered our sowing for the reaping of harvest and bringing more to the light of christ as anyone supports anyone else in every day's life endeavours given these times, with the utmost knowing that His promise has come and is, also is to come despite whatever the world may try or attempt to rival the Kingdom of God with, as fallen as babylon is for over 2000 years from Jesus' first coming, plus more than 15 thousand before that, imninently forseeing His "2nd coming representative of the overturning of the money changers tables twice from the begining to the end of His Ministry before crucifixion, resurection and ascention to send us the Holy Spirit Comforter into the next, we do have the Son through whom we were made walking amongst Just as He did with the 12 disciples amongst all nations tribes tonges and peoples, as it is writen, even doing so now through us amongst each other.

For scripture break down on what the mark of the beast is in as much reality and clarity as possible, visit : #LTGD (Let The Game Down) - Lifestyle Blog (Music With Sound Doctrine - Also Support What Will Be In Stores again ASAP)

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Mathew15/1Timothy4-5/Ephesians5:18-*20*/Colosians2/1Corinthians8-11(11:30)/Philipians3:2-3/Revelation2-3 REALITY CHECK PICTURES FROM THE VISUAL VIDEO (worldly Doctrine/Wisdom is BACKWARDS & CONFLICTING ALWAYS) >>> [PLEASE LOOK AT ALL THE PICTURES IN CONTEXT OF CONTENT(S)]